Welcome to Plant Flowering-time Gene Database.

    The PFGD included 12 modules: aging, autonomous, circadian clock, hormone, ABCDE model, photoperiod, sugar, temperature, vernalization pathway, miRNA target genes, gene repeated types, and the expression pattern in representative species.

    The PFGD database contains a large number of important flowering genes of 837 published angiosperms, including 80,810 photoperiod pathway genes, 34,373 sugar pathway genes, 30,396 temperature pathway genes, 27,451 vernalization pathway genes, 22,839 aging pathway genes, 73,286 autonomous pathway genes, 29,511 circadian clock pathway genes, 24,707 hormone pathway genes, and 10,155 ABCDE model genes.

    This is the first large-scale collection of angiosperms genomic data. All the genes from different flowering pathway and bioinformatics results can be easily downloaded from the PFGD database. Here, we present an overview of the interfaces of the PFGD database, including the Browse, Charts, Search, Tools, Resources, Help, and Download interfaces, to help users analyze PFGD data.

    We expect this database provides a convenient and useful tool that will promote the flowering of angiosperms research. We plan to improve and continuously update the database with newly assembled genomes and comparative genomic studies.